Monday, December 16, 2013

This Week At HMS

This Week @ HMS

Jeans all Week!  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 16

7th Grade Basketball

Boys @ HMS

Girls @ Harwood Jr.

Tuesday, December 17

9:00 - 5th Grade Tour of HMS

Choir Concert

6th Grade at 6:00

7th & 8th Grade at 7:00

Wednesday, December 18 (7 shopping days left)

Thursday, December 19

First of Half of the Day

Period 1,2,3 and 4 (students eat with period four)

Second Half of the day

Teacher Tool Time

8th Grade Basketball

Girls @ HMS

Boys @ Harwood

Friday, December 20

First Half of the Day

Periods 5,6,7 and 8 (students eat with 8th period)

Progress Reports will go home through 8th period

Second Half of the Day

Teacher Tool Time

Monday, December 9, 2013

Delay Start-Let's Keep It Simple Scholars

Tiger Staff,

Just heard about the two hour delay for tomorrow. This means that rather than starting at 8:40, we will start at 10:40.

To simplify our lives, we will keep our schedule as close to normal as possible. This means students will report to their third period at 10:40.

I will be checking my email tonight and in the morning. Email or call me if you have questions. I am here to help.

Be careful out there! You never know what you might find.  (Star Wars Music Fades In)


Jeff Russell

Saturday, December 7, 2013

  Happy Birthday to Mr. Russell

May your years of experiences lead our campus to              Tiger Greatness!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Keep Moving Forward!

Five Cans=Jeans for Each Day this week
*Remember to wear a spirit shirt!*
Monday, December 2

7th Grade Basketball

Girls @ HMS

Boys @ SMS

Tuesday, December 3

Happy Birthday Will Ku and David Lindquist

8th Grade Trip to BCTAL 12:30-3:00

Cross Country @ Buffalo Ridge Park-4:00

Wednesday, December 4


Thursday, December 5

Christmas Provider Food Drive Ends

Friday, December 6

Happy Birthday Kathy Richards

Winter Musical “Annie” @ 7:00 pm

Saturday, December 7

Band Region 5 MS Clinic and Concert @ Mansfield HS 800 am to 6:00 pm

Matinee Performance of Annie @ 2pm

Sunday Morning Music

Thursday, November 21, 2013




11/18 –                                                                                 Birthdays 11/18

                                                                                                Mrs. Merrill

                                                                                                Mr. Bailey

                                                                                                Ms. Keany   

11/19            -   Math CBA

-         Social Studies @ Kilgo

-         Cross Country (Boys & Girls)

-         Buffalo Ridge Park


11/20       -   Advisory (Report Cards)

-         Science CBA

-         Science Kilgo


11/21            - Advisory (Report Cards)

-         ELA @ Kilgo

-         Social Studies CBA

-         Teacher Thanksgiving Luncheon

-         8th  Basketball

o   Girls @ HMS  5:00

o   Boys @ North Ridge 5:00

-          School Board Mtg @ 7:00


11/22            -   Activity Schedule

-         Power Card Application Due

-         Teacher’s annihilation of student volleyball team

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day!

Sunday, November 10

Happy Birthday USMC!

Monday, November 11

Veteran’s Day

Happy Birthday Mrs. Wilson and Dan Burbach!

Cowboys Still in First!  (Maybe not too much longer)

Tuesday, November 12

3:00 Theater Duets and Monologues

4:00 Cross Country Meet

Wednesday, November 13

Department Chair Meeting 4:00

Thursday, November 14

College Day!

Friday, November 14

Haltom Gear!

Birdville Choir Clinic-All day

End of the Six Weeks

Note-I know nothing about the ministry in the video.  I just thought it was neat act of kindness. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

I hear your frustration, what can I do to help?

I hear your frustration, what can I do to help?
            This video is inspiring on so many different levels.  I do not surf.  I am from Texas.  I eat Bar-B-Que, drive a pick up, and go to football games.  But when I watch this I want to learn how to surf.  It looks like so much fun!  Look out TRINTY RIVER…YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE ME SURF!
The woman truly has a positive outlook despite her circumstance.  She has every reason to be bitter, resentful, and see all of the negatives in her situation.  She says that sitting in the chair is the “easiest” part of her situation. The skin and balance issues never occurred to me. Her desire to learn is extremely admirable.  She has to try new things and learn a completely different way to live.  Her resilience or grit is something that we could all strive for.
I have a great admiration for the young man in the video.  When I first saw this, I thought that he was her son.   When I realized that he was her son’s friend, it made me think of how far I would go to help someone else that was not related to me.  Surfing is probably a time for him to hang out with his friends and do something that he enjoys doing.  Instead, he chose to get out of his comfort zone and help a person who is struggling.
Are there people around you who are struggling?  Do you know of a person who is in a similar situation as the woman in the video?  You may see a person like this every day.  You may see a person crippled by their circumstances.  There may be a person who is unable to stand and walk without you, maybe not literally, but figuratively.  
What would you do if a colleague was having a really bad day , week, or month?  What if they were really unhappy with a class period and began to criticize their student’s behavior or intellect?  What if you were in the lounge and a teacher began to criticize one of your co-workers?  What if this type of criticism seemed to happen each day? 
You could talk with your friends in the lounge about what a complete beat down or how negative the person is after they microwave their food and leave.  You could retreat to your classroom and never go into the lounge.  You could join in and agree, but all of these would just keep your colleague on the ground and pull you down too.
The systems that we have put in place will not have the impact on our students without a solution focused faculty.  Being solution focused doesn’t mean that the expectation is that there will be no delta’s.  One of the great things about being focused on continuous improvement means that we will have opportunities to express ourselves constructively. Being solution focused is about responding to the delta’s that life hands us with solution to the problem in mind or as the woman in the video says, “to concentrate on the positive in life.”
Much is being asked of us right now.  In many cases, we have to learn new things. Professional learning communities, a new prep, or working at a new grade level are challenging and sometimes uncomfortable.  As well as the normal challenges of teaching, a tough class period, a difficult parent, or deadlines that come faster and faster….it is easy to feel overwhelmed. When we see or hear a colleague who is overwhelmed, that is our opportunity to put that person on our back and help them.
Our profession is one of service to others. I want to encourage us to embrace a phrase or a queue.  The queue to help us stay solution focused will be, “I hear your frustration, what I can I do to help?”.  This is not a phrase of punishment or retribution. Done in love, this is a phrase to redirect us to the reason that we entered the profession. 
When you hear a colleague who is really down, and their situation appears to be getting the better of them, that is your opportunity to assist.  We are human.  We all become overwhelmed.  Find out what is frustrating and see if you can put them on your back for a little while.  It is what epic stories are made of.
This Week @ HMS
Monday, November 4
NFL Monday Continues!  Cowboys are still in first.
Volleyball vs. Hurst
7th grade @ Hurst
8th grade @ HMS
7th grade football vs. North Ridge @ Birdville Stadium
Tuesday, November 5
Art Field Trip to Kimball
8th Grade Football-
Wednesday, November 6
Faculty Meeting @ 4:00
Thursday, November 7
Happy Birthday Ms. Williams!
College Day! Break out your college gear!
AED Drill-Be Prepared!
Band Region Tryouts
Friday, November 8
Spirit Day! Go Tigers!
District Volleyball tournament TBA
Saturday, November 9
District Volleyball Tournament TBA
Band Region Try-outs 8-2

Monday, October 28, 2013

Red Ribbon Week!-Jeans for Each Day You Participate!

Sunday, October 27

Happy Birthday David Holland!

Monday, October 28 - Wear Red Day!

Volleyball v. Central Jr.

7th Grade @ Central

8th Grade @ HMS

7th Grade Football @ Central Jr. High

Happy Birthday Rebecca Baez!

Tuesday, October 29- Neon Day!

8th Grade Football vs. Central @ HMS

Wednesday, October 30-Jersey Day!

Advisory Schedule-Progress Reports Go Home

High on Life Assembly (6th grade only)

AVID site team meeting-4:00

Lock Down Drill for ASPIRE after school

Thursday, October 31-Sock it to drugs!

Advisory Schedule-Pick Up Progress Reports

STEWFEST! Sponsored by the Social Committee.

Friday, November 1-Put a Cap on Drugs!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Remember....Jeans all week! Thanks for your help on the safety survey!

This Week @ HMS

Monday, October 14

Happy Birthday Charlotte Del Hierro and Donna Russell!

Haltom Middle vs. Richland Middle School

7th @ HMS (Meza)

8th @ RMS

7th Grade Football @ Birdville Stadium (Bailey)

Tuesday, October 15

8th Grade Football @ the FAAC

Wednesday, October 16

ASPIRE Severe Weather Drill after school

Thursday, October 17

Power Card Assembly during Advisory

Coach Otto Baby Shower 4:00

Honors Band Concert Pre-District 7:00-8:00 pm

Friday, October 18

Happy Birthday Danny Flores!

Choir Concerts 6:00-7:30 PM

Mark Your Calendar

Remember if you have 45 minute appraisal this should be scheduled asap. These should be complete prior to Thanksgiving.

Tiger Thumbs Up!

Thanks Julie Allen and Carol Glinsky for your work on our RTI meetings!

Thanks Mel Meza, Yvonne Freeman, Julie Allen, Carol Glinsky, Rebecca Baez, Elisa Watkins and Ana Reyes thanks for the work on the power cards.

Thanks teachers for your work on your goal PDSA’s great progress!

I really like the vocabulary games that your students were using Mrs. Levi!

Thanks science department for your focus on some great training all-day Friday!

Great work Mrs. Antwine on your memoirs in class!  I liked the connections that you made with your lesson to the students lives.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Plus Delta Staff Observations

CHAMPS Walkthroughs Plus/Delta

1st Six Weeks 2013-14





Data on walls                                                              Too many things on classroom walls


Technology being used                                              

A lot of direct instruction going on

“Know Chart” before test                                          

Not many word walls being used with

Redirecting students when someone                          VOCAB being a SMART goal for most

walks in the classroom                                                content areas


Rules clearly posted                                                    Data walls but no data


10 count for transitions                                               CHAMPS not being used


Different types of CHAMPS                                     No evidence of Making Visible Routines

                                                                                    being used

PDSA visible


Lesson relates to warm-up


Great questioning


Mission statements posted


CHAMPS being used


Evidence of classroom routines being


Monday, October 7, 2013

New Six Weeks....New Hope!

Monday, October 7
Happy Birthday Carol Glinsky, Julie Vick, Jake Russell
Explore Testing
Volleyball vs. Watauga
7th grade @ WMS
8th grade @ HMS (Bailey)
7th Grade Football @ The Black Hole (Birdville Stadium)
Tuesday, October 8
Explore Testing Continues
8th Grade Boys Football @ The Black Hole (Russell)
Wednesday, October 9
Explore Testing Continues
RTI Parent Meetings
Report Cards Handed Out During Advisory
Department Chair Meeting
Thursday, September 19
Happy Birthday Coach Otto!
AP ILT (Bailey AM and Meza PM)
All Report Cards Returned Signed By Parents to Advisory Teacher
Pre-AP parent information night 5:00-6:00 PM
Band Lock In-7:00-11:55 PM
Friday, September 20
Staff Development Day Haltom High School-0800


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit

This Week @ HMS

Monday, September 30

7th Grade Volleyball @ Harwood Jr.

8th Grade Volleyball @ HMS

7th Grade Football @ Harwood Jr.

Tuesday, October 1


8th grade football @ HMS

Wednesday, October 2

Faculty Meeting 4:00 in Auditorium (Newbie’s come prepared for a picture, don’t wear your prom dress…just know that we are going to take your picture)

Thursday, October 3

Newby PDAS Meeting (4:00) in the Library

Friday, October 4

End of the First 6 Weeks

Varsity Choir to Haltom High School 3:00-7:45

Sunday Music-Lovin the Fall

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Saving Haltom Tigers

“That’s My Mission”

            If you have not seen Saving Private Ryan in a while, let me fill you in.  Captain Miller, Tom Hanks, as been assigned to lead his men on a mission behind enemy lines following D-Day.  The mission is to rescue Private Ryan and return him safely to his family.  Pvt. Ryan lost his four brothers in the war and is the only remaining sibling in the family.  Saving Ryan would alleviate some of the grief of the Ryan family.

            The mission is quite controversial.  The men point out that they have families too. To lose their own lives in the process of relieving the Ryan family of its grief would be just as tragic for their families.  This causes much debate among the men and makes it extremely difficult for Captain Miller to lead his men. Captain Miller is not above the struggle.

            Captain Miller is an incredible leader and earns the men’s respect.  The men want to please Captain Miller.  They desire to get to know him and wager (make a pool) on his profession prior to their lives as soldiers.  Ironically, he is a teacher. Despite the personalities, differences of opinion, and odds, the group continues on their mission. 

            As they move towards their goal, the group comes upon a German squad.  Rather than go around the squad, they engage the squad and lose a well-liked and important member of their team.  All but one German are killed.  They can take no prisoners because they are behind enemy lines.  Emotions are high; many of Captain Miller’s team feels that they should kill the German for practical reasons and to avenge the loss of their buddy.  Others morally feel that they must let him go.  Prior to this clip there is much heated debate and discussion of giving up the mission.

                        This clip is the climax of the movie.  Everything is going wrong.  The unit is about to disintegrate.  They are literally about kill one another.

What does this clip tell us as leaders? How do we hold our team together in face of incredible odds? It shows the power of clarifying our mission and relationship.  As you lead your class, perspective is essential.  You provide the mission perspective for your kids. Why is this lesson important for each student?  How will it benefit them in the long run?  At Haltom Middle many of our students do not receive this perspective at home.  Our students must learn the relevance of our task.

            As leader, I have to constantly remind myself of our mission, growth for all students.  Emotional, behavioral, and academic growth must happen for all of our students.  We must meet them were they are and take them to new heights. Things don’t always go as I plan.  When things don’t go as planned, I step back and try to see the goal through new lenses so that it can be attained.

If you work at Haltom Middle, you receive the ultimate payoff in education.  You are the difference maker and you get to see difference that you make.  No other campus is so purely about the kids and kids alone.  When the going gets tough, provide perspective to those that you lead.  Help them see clearly where you are going and how you will get there.

As I have come into many of your classes, I am seeing your mission statements posted and many of you use the mission statements as you lead.  This will come in handy when your common assessments don’t go as they were supposed to or when you have a difficult day managing your class.  Revisit what you set out to accomplish because your mission can only be accomplished together.  I am very proud of your leadership.  We have the poorest in the district.  Like Captain Miller, we have much adversity.  We are upside down in our RTI pyramid and implementing something new.  We are on a journey to accomplish a great mission.  The adversity will make the victory all the sweeter. What an honor to be leaders for our students, right now!   I have no doubt in my mind that this mission will be accomplished.

Tiger Thumbs Up

Laura Czarnecki and Jaye Antwine-Great Classroom Management!  Love the continuous improvement tools used in your class.

Harold Mantooth-Lot’s of encouragement going on in your class! 

April Bryant-Really appreciate your use of your mission in statement in class

Melanie Shelton and Linda Horst-Great work with your Reading Enrichment Class! Your students were highly engaged.         

Tiffany Saucedo-Great job with your PDSA incorporation!

This Week @ HMS

Monday, September 23-

Volleyball vs. North Oaks

8th @ North Oaks

7th @ HMS

7th Grade Boys Football @ HMS

Math PLC Chromebook Training

Tuesday, September 24

8th Grade Football @ FAAC vs. North Oaks

Reading PLC Champ Walk-Through


Wednesday, September 25

Hearing and Vision Screening in Library @ 8:00

RTI Meeting in the Library @ 4:00

Campus Safety Committee Meeting in the Conference Room @ 4:00

Thursday, September 26

Happy Birthday Harold Mantooth!

Writing and Social Studies Champs Walk-Throughs

STUCO and Theater Homecoming Float

Friday, September 27

Art Fundraiser Ends