Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hunger Games!

Almost to Capacity?
BIGGEST LOSER is about to hit HMS!!  In the spirit of wellness, moving more, eating well and stressing less Ana and I have decided to have a biggest loser contest here at HMS!!  So if you are interested please email, call, come by the office, text, smoke signal me and let me know J  Here’s the basic rundown:


The official start date will be Monday March 24th and the contest will end Tuesday May 27th, you may enter any time during that time period but the contest will end May 27th for everyone.

To encourage teamwork we will be competing in groups of 3 or 4, depending on how many people sign up.

We will be going by percentage lost during the competition time not pounds lost.

Participants will be asked for a $10 entry fee and the winning group will split the pot.


I hope everyone is as excited about this as I am, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  First weigh in will be on Monday the 24th in the nursing office, Ana and I will keep a record of everyone’s weight, no one else will view this.  Also after you have decided to participate let me know who is in your teams.  Let’s Keep Moving Forward Haltom Tigers!

Keep Moving Forward
Nurse Watkins



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