Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Faculty Basketball Team-Otto-Mattic

I am extremely grateful for the work that you do each day for our students.  It is difficult work, but extremely rewarding.  My plan was to provide a jean week this week before Spring break.  Let's do a jeans week after the break to ramp up for the home stretch.
If it was easy...everyone one would work at Haltom Middle.  Much like the are the elite.  Have  a great week and a great spring break. 
Keep Moving Forward,

This Week @ HMS

Monday, March 3

Snow Day!

Tuesday, March 4

Happy Birthday Melinda Brown

8th Grade ARDS

Wednesday, March 5

Advisory Schedule-Report Cards Go Home

Math CBA

Faculty Meeting 4:00

Thursday, March 6

Advisory Schedule-Report Card Pick Up

Choir UIL-Choirs @ Haltom High School

Friday, March 7

Activity Schedule-Faculty Student Basketball Game

Duty Schedule








Morning Hall Duty

A Hall-Savala

B-Hall KU

C-Hall Hayes

Tiger Thumbs Up

Ms. Meza, Mr. Bailey, Coach Van
-Great work on a tough Friday last week!

Staff-Much better job
of having grades entered in a timely fashion this past six weeks!
This is great for our students.
They need your feedback.

Mr. Lopez, Ms. Keaney, and Mrs.
-Your students were really on the ball last week!

Mr. Holland, Mrs. Pohly, Tidwell,
Martin Braggs

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