Sunday, March 23, 2014

Important-Haltom Middle AVID Information


FIRST AND IMPORTANTLY THANK YOU, to all the elective teachers that have worked with us the past 2 days as we pulled students from your classes for interviews.  We put a big dent in the list and I appreciate your  support. Over the past 2 days we interviewed 44 7th graders and 47 6th graders. We still have about 22, 7th graders and 50, 6th graders left to interview.  Thank we appreciate your patience as we continue to pull students to finish the interview process.  I will be calling students out again class periods 1-3 on Thursday and Friday. 

Secondly,  reminder, AVID students are still trying to raise money for t shirts and a field trip in May so we are selling candy, microwave ACT 2 popcorn and bottled water.  $1 each.  Please let me know if you need a snack in the day, and I can send a student your way.

AVID has purchased a subscription to AVID WEEKLY which provides current event articles in a variety of subject areas to help students with critical reading skills such as vocabulary, connecting ideas, summarizing, marking text, etc.  The subscription not only includes articles but also lesson plans, templates and suggestions.  The subject areas include all topics from all core classes in addition to Health, Law, Business, technology, fine arts, etc.  Our subscription comes with 20 log ins per campus.  If you are interested in using these articles please contact Mary Ann Shaft or Betina Rhine and they can give you the password and instructions. 


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